Windows Recovery Environment and Bootable USB Creator in 200KB (github.com)

Details the use of a git commit and Rufus for creating a compact bootable USB.

16 points by windozedev one hour ago | 3 comments | Direct link
Reverse-engineering my speakers' API to get reasonable volume control (jamesbvaughan.com)

author created custom volume-control webpage and plans to build physical knob

91 points by jamesbvaughan yesterday | 41 comments | Direct link
Introduction to Machine Learning Interviews Book (huyenchip.com)

Over 200 knowledge and 30 open-ended questions are included.

28 points by ibobev 3 hours ago | No comments | Direct link
Zen 5's 2-ahead branch predictor: how a 30 year old idea allows for new tricks (chipsandcheese.com)

Describes the implementation of 2-Ahead Branch Predictor in Zen 5, its benefits and limitations.

147 points by matt_d 8 hours ago | 62 comments | Direct link
Why does the chromaticity diagram look like that? (jlongster.com)

Diagrams are derived from color matching functions, XYZ color space is a standard for device-independent color encoding.

157 points by samwillis 9 hours ago | 49 comments | Direct link
Crooks Bypassed Google's Email Verification to Create Workspace Accounts, Acces (krebsonsecurity.com)

Attackers created unverified Workspace accounts to impersonate domain holders for third-party service access.

64 points by todsacerdoti 5 hours ago | 21 comments | Direct link
The New Internet (tailscale.com)
123 points by ingve 8 hours ago | 53 comments | Direct link
Monumental proof settles geometric Langlands conjecture (www.quantamagazine.org)

Researchers prove geometric Langlands correspondence, building on work from Langlands, Drinfeld, and Gaitsgory et al.

130 points by jandrewrogers 10 hours ago | 13 comments | Direct link
TOTP tokens on my wrist with the smartest dumb watch (blog.singleton.io)

includes a guide on extracting TOTP secrets and adding them to the watchface source code

68 points by alexmolas 7 hours ago | 6 comments | Direct link
Paper Cuttings Made by 17th-Century Schoolgirls Discovered Beneath Floorboards (www.smithsonianmag.com)

Artifacts including paper cuttings to be displayed; likely taught by Hannah Woolley.

6 points by benbreen on 2024-07-23 | No comments | Direct link
Courts Close the Loophole Letting the Feds Search Your Phone at the Border (reason.com)

Ruling increases privacy protection of Fourth Amendment for digital devices at border and aids journalists.

105 points by mhb 3 hours ago | 16 comments | Direct link
Deep Learning Interviews (2021) (arxiv.org)

Platform for collaborators to create and share new features for arXiv

25 points by ibobev 5 hours ago | 4 comments | Direct link
Show HN: Patchwork – Open-source framework to automate development gruntwork (github.com)

It utilizes LLMs, provides predefined Patchflows and templates, and allows custom Patchflows and contributions.

53 points by rohansood15 6 hours ago | 6 comments | Direct link
MIT 11.350: Sustainable Real Estate (ocw.mit.edu)

Course led by Siqi Zheng, Zhengzhen Tan and Juan Palacios, covering economic mechanisms, building design and digital technology innovation

61 points by mdp2021 4 hours ago | 93 comments | Direct link
Europe is in danger of regulating its tech market out of existence (foreignpolicy.com)

Apple withdraws new product from EU due to DMA regulations; EU's unclear rules risk 'balkanized splinternet'.

196 points by paulpauper 8 hours ago | 377 comments | Direct link
Funtoo Linux is shutting down (forums.funtoo.org)

Founder no longer finds it fun, no successor, wind down by Aug, containers still online

82 points by DaSHacka 5 hours ago | 40 comments | Direct link
Counting bytes faster than you'd think possible (blog.mattstuchlik.com)

Optimized for HighLoad systems, uses AVX2 instructions and specific memory read pattern, demonstrated on Intel Xeon E3-1271 v3 @ 3.60GHz.

97 points by asicsp on 2024-07-23 | 20 comments | Direct link
Driving Compilers (fabiensanglard.net)

Introducing a 5-part series on compiler components, starting with the compiler driver.

8 points by ibobev 4 hours ago | No comments | Direct link
Superbabies: Putting the pieces together (www.lesswrong.com)

Usage of polygenic scores, gene editing challenges, and potential methods for creating 'superbabies' detailed

23 points by OuterVale on 2024-07-23 | 5 comments | Direct link
Finding a random seed that solves a LeetCode problem (2023) (mcognetta.github.io)

Author's approach uses a deterministic hash function and brute force to find a seed generating valid bitstrings for all test cases.

72 points by mcyc 9 hours ago | 21 comments | Direct link
Is the nervous system a democracy? (2016) (www.scientificamerican.com)

Neural dictatorships, oligarchies, and democracies each mediate different behaviors

26 points by kawera yesterday | 10 comments | Direct link
A hash table by any other name (lwn.net)
105 points by signa11 20 hours ago | 25 comments | Direct link
Game AI Pro (www.gameaipro.com)
5 points by ibobev 4 hours ago | No comments | Direct link
Clojure macros continue to surprise me (tonsky.me)

Author's implementation preserves original code formatting using source file reads.

110 points by jgrodziski on 2024-07-22 | 23 comments | Direct link
How to optimize a CUDA matmul kernel for cuBLAS-like performance (2022) (siboehm.com)

Kernel optimization results in 93.7% of cuBLAS performance and discusses tensor cores & warp matrix functions.

93 points by mpweiher 12 hours ago | 23 comments | Direct link
Treescope: Interactive HTML visualization library for Python neural networks (github.com)

Supports rendering neural networks and includes interactive features.

52 points by zerojames yesterday | 6 comments | Direct link
Lost by Schoolgirls: A display of 17th century papercuts (www.nationaltrust.org.uk)

Paper-cuttings feature hand-colored figures and silk embellishments, to be displayed at Sutton House.

78 points by geox on 2024-07-23 | 20 comments | Direct link
FTC launches probe into 'surveillance pricing' (www.cnbc.com)

Investigated companies and FTC's data collection goals specified

101 points by m463 on 2024-07-24 | 21 comments | Direct link
The Rise of the Analytics Pretendgineer (benn.substack.com)

Dbt's limitations and lack of formal training in data modeling contribute to rise of 'analytics pretendgineers'.

4 points by acossta 4 hours ago | No comments | Direct link
Understanding Performance Implications of Storage-Disaggregated Databases (muratbuffalo.blogspot.com)

A study revealed performance improvements with specific design principles and optimization methods.

11 points by jandrewrogers on 2024-07-23 | 1 comment | Direct link
The Physics of Cold Water May Have Jump-Started Complex Life (www.quantamagazine.org)

Experiments reveal algal cells' collective behavior in cold, viscous conditions.

3 points by frankish 4 hours ago | No comments | Direct link
Show HN: Ray Tracing in One Weekend v4.0.0 (raytracing.github.io)

Books cover creating path tracer, adding advanced features, and math behind professional ray tracer.

42 points by hollasch 5 hours ago | 3 comments | Direct link
Show HN: Word Slicer (wordslicer.com)
38 points by NoArcher888 14 hours ago | 31 comments | Direct link
Where should visual programming go? (tonsky.me)

Article advocates for visualizing specific software aspects, not replacing code, with diagrams as a separate, executable tool.

64 points by spiralganglion 9 hours ago | 62 comments | Direct link
Startup Finance for Founders – Part I, Accounting (2016) (rein.pk)

Bank account structure, credit card tips, and recommendations for contracts and invoicing detailed.

166 points by sebg yesterday | 17 comments | Direct link
US only country where developers' salary cannot be expensed the same year (twitter.com)

Article provides a link to another source, not a summary

39 points by delichon 5 hours ago | 34 comments | Direct link
Meta-Thunderbolt (nocoffei.com)

Author details specific steps and challenges of connecting a Thunderbolt 3 card to an eGPU enclosure.

12 points by todsacerdoti 9 hours ago | No comments | Direct link
NYPD Coppelgänger: Exploring Cop Data (lav.io)

System uses open-source tools, Facenet512 and Yunet models, and Voyager library, with limitations and incomplete cop data.

40 points by leotravis10 yesterday | 13 comments | Direct link
Notes on Remitting Stripe Tax to the UK and EU (tedpiotrowski.svbtle.com)

Sellers must file quarterly tax returns and use specific credit cards for EU tax payment.

18 points by tppiotrowski 9 hours ago | 1 comment | Direct link
AI solves International Math Olympiad problems at silver medal level (deepmind.google)

AI system uses reinforcement learning, developed by specific leaders and contributors, and achieves silver-medal level score.

1317 points by ocfnash yesterday | 505 comments | Direct link
Show HN: Slab – A programmable markup language for generating HTML (slab-lang.org)

Includes features like conditionals, loops, and variable declarations, and fosters modularity through fragment system.

30 points by thu on 2024-07-23 | 7 comments | Direct link
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