IBM and the Transformation of Corporate Design

73 points by rbanffy on 2024-05-14 | 4 comments

Automated Summary

In the 1960s, IBM underwent a corporate transformation, starting with a design overhaul led by Elliot Noyes. Noyes, known for his industrial design and corporate branding, aimed to simplify IBM's design vernacular. Functionality, simplicity, and human-centered design were the guiding principles. Noyes enlisted a team of design luminaries including Paul Rand, George Nelson, Eero Saarinen, and the Eames Office. The Eames Office, renowned for their multidisciplinary contributions, had previously collaborated with Noyes and Eliot Noyes played a pivotal role in their early success. Throughout the 1950s-1970s, the Eames Office produced a wide range of work for IBM, including exhibitions, films, and books, helping to shape public opinion on computing technology.

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davidedicillo on 2024-05-15

Another story worth looking at was the one of Olivetti:

rbanffy on 2024-05-16

Olivetti's design was a thing of beauty. The current company has nothing but the name. Even their logo was bastartised by the new owners.

matt_daemon on 2024-05-15

This was exactly my experience after visiting the CHM recently. IBM's graphic design still stands out as some of the most beautiful of any tech company throughout history. For others interested, Paul Rand was also responsible for creating the famous NeXT logo.

rbanffy on 2024-05-16

There's something timeless in the design of the IBM 360, 370 and their peripherals.