Laser excitation of Th-229 nucleus

44 points by shonenknifefan1 on 2024-04-29 | 5 comments

Automated Summary

A research team led by Prof. Thorsten Schumm from TU Wien and PTB has found the long-sought thorium transition and determined its energy. This achievement combines classical quantum physics and nuclear physics for the first time. Thorium-containing crystals were crucial for this success. The thorium transition's energy was previously unknown, making it difficult to detect. Researchers used lasers to switch an atomic nucleus from one state to another, which is usually challenging due to the high energy required. Thorium-229 is a special nucleus with two closely adjacent energy states. The team developed thorium-containing crystals, enabling the study of large numbers of thorium nuclei, increasing the likelihood of finding the energy transition. Potential applications include the development of an atomic nucleus clock and high-precision measurements of time, gravity, and fundamental physical constants.


gus_massa on 2024-04-29

Big discussion from another URL (405 points | 18 hours ago | 177 comments)

hindsightbias on 2024-04-29

“New findings suggest classical quantum physics and nuclear physics can be combined”

Seems like the bigger part of the title

fsckboy on 2024-04-30

what does it mean for a nucleus to be in a higher energy state? is there any macro phenomenon that is related to it? when it drops back down, it gives off a gamma ray or something?

ahazred8ta on 2024-05-02

In some cases, one configuration of the nucleus is football-shaped, and there's an energy difference between that and the round shape. In other cases, a set of two protons and two neutrons will be jolted loose from the rest of the nucleus, and sort of orbit around it.

Terr_ on 2024-04-30

HTTP 404 now, but it's still linked from the site's "Physics" category page, so it's not a typo...