Claude Émile Jean-Baptiste Litre

132 points by apollinaire on 2024-04-28 | 11 comments

Automated Summary

Claude Émile Jean-Baptiste Litre is a fictional character created in 1978 by Kenneth Woolner, a chemistry professor at the University of Waterloo. The character was created to justify the use of a capital 'L' to denote liters in the International System of Units. Woolner pulled off an April Fools' Day hoax in a newsletter claiming Litre had a distinguished scientific career and proposed a unit of volume measurement. The hoax was mistakenly printed as fact in a chemistry journal and later retracted.


mayormcmatt on 2024-04-29

Adding this to my list of favorite April Fool's pranks -- my favorite being the recently featured islands of San Serriffe.

salmonfamine on 2024-04-29

And apparently they took place on subsequent April Fools Days -- 77' and 78'. Must have been a golden era for pranking.

throwup238 on 2024-04-29

The Museum of Hoaxes publishes their own Top 100 April Fools list:

gilleain on 2024-04-29

Ah, like 'Arkhan Land', rediscoverer of the Land Raider.

(And of course, Jimmy Space).

joshabrown00 on 2024-04-29

Haha, adding this to my list of funny academic pranks. This is right up there with the MIT balloon at the Harvard-Yale game.

pyinstallwoes on 2024-04-29

How much of standardization or cannon is 'invented' in the same exact way? Very William S. Burroughs.

cafard on 2024-04-30

Well, or Thomas Pynchon.

I grew up seeing Al Kaline in the baseball box scores, and much later reflected that I would have rolled my eyes had I seen the name in The Crying of Lot 49 or Gravity's Rainbow.

cafard on 2024-04-30

I found myself wondering whether this was about

hyperhello on 2024-04-30

Why make the rule that capital letters only be used when the unit is named after a person, if the rule is discarded the instant it is inconvenient?

jurgenaut23 on 2024-04-29

lol, I love this. These gems are one of the reason I hang out on HN ;-)

anordal on 2024-04-29

He couldn't have come up with a more french name? /s

PM_me_your_math on 2024-04-29


QU0507 on 2024-05-01
